Make it Sacred

Your wedding day is one of the most sacred days of your life. It is an acknowledgement that while there will be times of joy and laughter, you were brought together to learn the hardest lessons this life has to offer. Lessons of humility, trust, patience, and unconditional love. You have been joined for the betterment of humanity.


A sacred wedding ceremony is one that is crafted by and for each individual couple. It's personalized, and has to include elements that will help you truly seize on the energy of the moment, such as creating a sanctified space for your love and vows. It can contain elements of existing traditional or non-traditional ceremonies. It can include any religious, spiritual, cultural or family traditions you choose. The main ingredient is your love and your conscious intent to express that love to one another in a way that is holy and sacred.


Alternative Bachelor & Bachelorette Ceremonies


We believe the night before your wedding is not your last night of freedom but a celebration that is as significant as your wedding day. It bonds you with the people that you intend to travel with on your journey through life. Therefore, it is important to choose those individuals wisely.

In most indigenous cultures, significant events in life were marked by rites of passage. In each initiation rite, there is an implicit acknowledgment of the phase of life we are leaving behind and that which we is moving toward.

Of course these days, Bachelor Ceremonies are not limited to men and the role of women in the spiritual union is also celebrated. When it comes time to marrying, it is important to prepare to leave behind the phase of life and identity of bachelor and bachelorette and embrace the identity of husband and wife. This is a monumental transformation of identity and it requires that you prepare emotionally and spiritually so that are ready.

Whether you would simply like to add sacred sound to your ceremony or work closely with us to create the entire ceremony, we would be honored to take part in your special day. Give us a call at 989-413-6208 or email to discuss how we can be part of your special day!