They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death is but crossing the world as friends do the seas: They live in one another still. - William Penn
Whether you would simply like to add sacred sound to your ceremony or work closely with us to create the entire event for your loved one, we would be honored to help you create the perfect celebration to commemorate your loved one.
Whenever grief tries to steal the beauty of your memories, remember; Love. Never. Dies.
When a loved one passes away, it can be very difficult for family members and friends to decide on a funeral home, pick out a casket, or even have the financial capacity to provide a traditional service. For many, having a non-traditional memorial service can help the grieving process, provide healing, and be therapeutic in a way that a traditional venue cannot provide. It is our goal to provide a healthier approach to saying good-bye to loved ones as they transition into the next phase of spirit.
Unlike a traditional funeral, which occurs a week or two of the beloved’s passing, a Celebration of Life event can be held weeks or even months afterward.
In the transition of death, we leave our physical bodies behind, and our Spirit, the essence of who we are, continues on our journey. This journey is the evolution and development of our soul. In this, death is not the end. It is the beginning of a new stage.
Instead of the somber mourning that is typical of funerals, a Celebration of Life event is about embracing and celebrating the individual’s passions, accomplishments, and legacy. It reminds us that, while we will miss our loved ones greatly, the evolution of spirit is an occasion to celebrate.
Each Celebration of Life is unique based on the wishes of the family and friends planning the event, therefore we don’t provide rates online because the cost can vary depending on how involved you would like us to be and how far we have to travel. Give us a call at 989-413-6208 or email strongheartdrummedicine@gmail.com and we would be happy to walk you through what help you create a beautiful ceremony to honor your loved one.
Whenever grief tries to steal the beauty of your memories, remember; Love. Never. Dies.
When a loved one passes away, it can be very difficult for family members and friends to decide on a funeral home, pick out a casket, or even have the financial capacity to provide a traditional service. For many, having a non-traditional memorial service can help the grieving process, provide healing, and be therapeutic in a way that a traditional venue cannot provide. It is our goal to provide a healthier approach to saying good-bye to loved ones as they transition into the next phase of spirit.
Unlike a traditional funeral, which occurs a week or two of the beloved’s passing, a Celebration of Life event can be held weeks or even months afterward.
In the transition of death, we leave our physical bodies behind, and our Spirit, the essence of who we are, continues on our journey. This journey is the evolution and development of our soul. In this, death is not the end. It is the beginning of a new stage.
Instead of the somber mourning that is typical of funerals, a Celebration of Life event is about embracing and celebrating the individual’s passions, accomplishments, and legacy. It reminds us that, while we will miss our loved ones greatly, the evolution of spirit is an occasion to celebrate.