Sacred Sound
We do one hour of sound for this deeply immersive shamanic journeys using a 28" Sioux Ceremonial Drum, 26" "Paiste" Sound Creation Gong, 47" Buffalo Drum, tubular bells and Solfeggio Chimes, in addition to other traditional instruments. When attending our events please bring yoga mat, blanket and anything you need to be comfortable for this sound journey.
Your Spirit
Drums are connected to the heartbeat of the earth, in working with one, that energy is brought directly to the palm of your hand. The earthly energy calms the body, the stabilizing sound eases brain waves into a meditative state, opening it for shamanic journey.
Sacred drums work because sound moves in waves, in every direction. They meet us where we are and liberate us. They open opportunities to speak from the scar, not the wound. Their beats can calm and fortify those battered by anxiety, bring peace to those grieving, they empower those conquering their weakness.
Sacred sound medicine delivered by drums is loving,
non-judgmental; it will call out self-made obstacles in a heartbeat. They are a trusted ally you can hold in your hand, against your body.
Grip strength, the ability to hold a drum, is directly connected with heart health. Our hearts are powerful change makers. Partnered with strong hands and a steady beat, drums support our ability to heal on all levels.
A drum holds the space for the sacred part of you, it calms and opens groups. Drums fill, cleanse, and supports us, so we can be open to healing.
Your Mind
Drumming has been used in healing in every culture since the dawn of man, and for good reason. It releases endorphins, enkephalins, and alpha waves which are key ingredients for improving your sense of well being.
The physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain synchronizes the left and the right brain. When your logical left brain and the intuitive right are in harmony, your inner guidance system or intuition becomes stronger.
Science has only scratched the surface regarding the influence of the mind on healing, however traditional healers have been aware of this connection for centuries. But science is finally starting to pay attention, and study is being devoted to the affect of drumming on brain related illness such as Parkinson, autism, stroke victims and headaches.
Your Body
You may hear traditional healers talk about the mind/body connection, but what does this mean? Simply put, an unhealthy mind generally results in an unhealthy body. They are interconnected. For example, people who worry a lot tend to suffer from stomach related disorders. Likewise those who are under great stress tend to suffer from heart related illnesses. Chinese medicine states that emotions correspond with organs; grief resides in the lungs, anger in the liver and so on.
Drumming has a number of affects on the body. It can help control chronic pain by producing endorphines and endogenous opiates, which are the body's natural pain killers. It boosts the immune system by increasing production of T-Cells and lowering cortisol levels. Decreased cortisol levels also allow a healthy production of serotonin and dopamine. This means that drumming can have a positive affect on many conditions such as anxiety, depression, and various mental illnesses.