Everything is energy
and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
-Albert Einstein
Stress puts our body in a state of imbalance and knocked out of homeostasis. When a perceived threat is in our environment, the Fight/Flight/Freeze response is activated. The body immobilizes large amounts of chemicals, energy, and resources to prepare for the crisis. While this can be useful in dangerous or competitive situations, living in a constant state of stress (constant frustrations, ongoing fear, constant anger etc.) can harm the body. We know through research that as stress rises, causing high levels of cortisol and adrenaline, it tells our bodies that our digestive, endocrine and immune systems are not a priority and therefore they are not functioning at optimal capacity, setting us up for disease and mental illness.
Meditation is a way of training your mind to redirect its thoughts and focus. It assists us in quieting the stream of information from our outer world, and allows us to become more aware of our inner world. Meditation helps us to get beyond the analytical mind. It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which frees and empowers individual cells to encourage healing and recovery at the cellular level. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, help regulate our immune system, increase neuroplasticity, and increase stem cell production. As we heal ourselves and clarify our intentions, the energy of our body becomes highly directed.
The Quantum Field
The quantum field is an invisible space of energy that exists beyond our space and time. It has nothing physical or material in it, and is composed of an infinite field of energy. This exists beyond our own senses. Meditation helps us to experience this with our awareness. It is sometimes referred to as The Unifying Field, and it connects and organizes everything that is in the physical world. In this space, everything is made of energy, frequency, vibration, and consciousness. Its signature is oneness or wholeness. As we begin to focus our awareness on it, through meditation and being in the present moment, it will begin to create more order and coherence in our brain.
Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, revealing the complex patterns formed when sound waves interact with various materials. When sound frequencies are applied to a medium like water, sand, or powder, the resulting patterns can visually demonstrate the influence of sound on physical matter.
The principle behind cymatics is that different frequencies produce distinct shapes and formations. Cymatics offers insights into the connections between music, nature, and the fundamental principles of life. It illustrates how sound can create order from chaos, reflecting the underlying structure of the universe. This study not only has artistic implications but also potential applications in various fields such as acoustics, medicine, and even agriculture, demonstrating the profound impact sound can have on our world.
Entrainment of Energy
Entrainment of energy, discovered by the Dutch Physicist Christian Huygens, focuses on the tendency for two or more oscillating bodies to lock in and begin pulsing at the exact same rate. In this way, they are vibrating in harmony. When two rhythmic vibrations meet, the most powerful source will become dominate and the less powerful vibration will lock into the most powerful source. This is the underlying basis and foundation for sound therapy. The powerful vibrations of the crystal bowls, gongs, and other instruments get entrained in the body and shift the energy.
It is a well know fact that our hearts are made up of over 70% neural cells and in fact, our heart sends our brain more information than our brain sends our heart. For centuries shamans have believed that our while our brains are super computers, our hearts actually know what is best for us. We can create coherence within our being by learning how to manage our brain, mind, and heart. Our brain can become calm and balanced, and work efficiently when it's working in a symmetrical manner. We can also create this state in our heart by learning to self-regulate our emotions and change our emotional states on command. When coherence occurs, our heart starts beating in a rhythmic and orderly pattern. When our body, mind, and spirit are aligned, our state of being is working in a highly efficient manner. We begin to experience positive states, not only in our mental and emotional health, but also in our physical well-being. Coherence has been shown to have a positive impact on our immune system, heart rate, quality of sleep, and tends to improve our energy levels.
Emotions and Frequency
Our emotions are energy in motion, they come and go and are constantly changing. They also have a vibrational frequency and can form and transform. The higher the frequency, the more positive our emotional state can be. Our consciousness is highly correlated with our emotional states. The chart on the right details some of the different frequencies associated with various emotional states.. For more information on how emotional states can impact our consciousness, see the research done by David R. Hawkins PhD, which maps out the Levels of Consciousness.
Binaural Beats
Binaural beats are an auditory illusion that the brain creates when you listen to two tones with a slightly different frequency. These beats have the ability to entrain the brain’s electrical responses to adhere to certain rhythms. We use gongs, chimes and large tubular bells to create this situation within the room. Binaural beats have been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotional states.
Frequency & Resonance
Frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a give amount of time. Frequency is measured in Hertz, which is the number of waves that pass by per second. Resonance is the tendency of a system to vibrate with increasing amplitude when an applied force is close to the frequency of a system that acts on it.
The frequential vibrational scale of emotions.
"Becoming Supernatural," by Dr. Joe Dispenza | 2017)
Brain Waves
Gamma - Gamma waves are present when the energy from the body moves up into the brain. The brain moves into a super conscious and super aware state. The arousal that occurs within the body is an elevated state of bliss. These waves are the fastest of all the waves. 27+ Hz
Beta – Beta waves are present when the brain is actively aroused and strongly engaged in activity. Your attention is primarily on your outer environment. This is where concentration and learning take place and we are in our conscious mind. We tend to hear a voice talking in our head while in this state. These waves have low amplitude. 12-27 Hz
Alpha – Alpha waves are present when the brain is in a non-arousal state. This is typically representative of when we are in a resting state, and our inner world starts becoming more real than our outer world. We are beginning to move beyond our analytical mind and becoming more creative. We tend to see more images in our head and become more creative and imaginative. 8-12 Hz.
Theta – Theta waves are present when we are typically drifting off into sleep. We sometimes call this "being lost in my head" and not really present, or a state of heightened suggestibility. Our identity, the conscious mind, and our personality have been suppressed, and we are accessing the subconscious mind. 3-8 Hz
Delta - Delta waves are present when we are in a sleep state. These have the greatest amplitude and the slowest frequency, and allow our brain to restore and heal itself. There is very little activity in our conscious mind when delta waves are present. 0.2-3 Hz
Singing Bowls
The use of Tibetan Singing Bowls for healing dates back in history around (560 – 480 B.C) This tradition was brought from India to Tibet. Singing bowls are typically made of eight metal alloys consisting of copper and tin, along with lead, gold, zinc, silver, mercury, and iron. The sounds produced by the bowls often aid in relaxation and meditation, helping with stress reduction and holistic healing. These tones often assist in balancing a left/right brain synchronization. Sound waves from the bowls have been said to act on the energy field of the body, and help the individual relax.
The use of crystal bowls in sound healing is a practice that harnesses the vibrational frequencies produced by these bowls to promote relaxation and wellness. Made from quartz crystal, these bowls are known for their ability to produce clear, resonant tones that can facilitate deep meditative states. The sound waves generated are believed to resonate with the body’s energy centers (chakras), helping to release tension and restore balance. Participants report feeling a profound sense of calm and clarity, as the vibrations penetrate both the physical and energetic bodies.
Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio Frequencies refer to specific tones of sound that are said to help promote various health aspects of the body and mind. These frequencies date back to ancient history and have been incorporated in healing by numerous cultures across the world. In the late 1980’s, biochemist Dr. Glen Rein confirmed the impact that various tones have on our DNA. Rein’s research supports the theory that the types of music that we listen to can have a positive or negative impact on our health.
963 Hz Crown Chakra
852 Hz Third Eye Chakra
741 Hz Throat Chakra
639 Hz Heart Chakra
528 Hz Solar Plexus Chakra
417 Hz Sacral Chakra
396 Hz Root Chakra
What is a Shamanic Journey
A shamanic journey is a spiritual practice that involves entering an altered state of consciousness to connect with spiritual realms for guidance, healing, or insight. This practice often utilizes rhythmic drumming, chanting, or other repetitive sounds to facilitate the transition from ordinary reality to a more profound state of awareness.
During a shamanic journey, the individual may visualize traveling to different worlds, such as the Lower World, Middle World, and Upper World, each offering unique experiences and lessons. In these realms, one may encounter spirit helpers, power animals, or deceased ancestors who provide wisdom and support.
The intention behind a shamanic journey varies, serving purposes such as personal healing, understanding a life challenge, or seeking connection with one's spiritual guides.